Feel Your Feelings

By learning how to identify and feel your feelings, you can experience more freedom and aliveness

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Personal Revolution Day 1

Join this group of men and have your own personal revolution. Why not? Now is the time

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Self Knowledge Is The Central Pillar Of A Great Relationship

Gain practical tools to understand yourself more deeply and why self knowledge is so essential.

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Stressed Out? Unplug & Meditate For A Day—Alone (In A Cabin, Somewhere In The Woods)

This post explores why taking a “day off” and meditating can help you relate more effectively to the stress in your life.

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Why Your Teenage Son Needs A Rite Of Passage

I’ve worked with teens for years and have come to one vast conclusion. Teenage boys need a real, raw, intense initiation into manhood. Many want it and these kids deserve it. When I was a teen, I lived a pretty easy life so it wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s that I started…

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Personal Freedom Tip: The More You Hang On To Your Agendas, The More You Will Suffer

Helping you slow down, notice your agendas and investigate what drives your work behavior. Once this is done, let it all go and see what happens.

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Why Many Men Are Still Boys and What Can Be Done About It

This blog post explores the psychology behind men today and what is needed to bring more consciousness to manhood.

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Why Boys and Grown Men Surf Porn

This article explores why so many boys and young men surf porn and has 3 helpful non-shaming tips on what to do about it

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