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The 3 Keys To Working Through Differences, Distancing & Disagreements Quickly

Plus Discover The #1 Divorce & Break-Up Prevention Skill

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I want to Dissolve Fights Quickly and Create an Indestructible Partnership!

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  • The 3 secrets
  • The 3 things you're fighting about

  • My embarrassing story and how my lack of fighting led to it
  • Why not learning how to fight could be hurting your brain
  • The silver lining in that bad news
  • And more...

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I want to Dissolve Fights Quickly and Create an Indestructible Partnership!

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About Jayson Gaddis

Jayson Gaddis, relationship expert and host of the Smart Couple Podcast, is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do intimate relationships.” He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to master relationships. Now, he’s married to his amazing wife of 8 years and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.