3 Ways To Inspire Love Over Time – Adam Gilad – SC 29

Adam Gilad brings some super helpful reframes to love and intimacy. You don’t find love, you _______ it!
Raising Boys and Men in 2015

What is going on with men, how do women help them and our sons? It’s not what you think…
I Want to Be A Dad Full Time AND I Want To Work Full Time

Exploring the inner tension between wanting to be in two places at the same time.
For Overachieving Dads
The superdad might just be overdoing it at the expense of his own self-care
The Shocking Challenges of Being a Dad [guest post]
a guest post from a very authentic dad who shares the reality of fatherhood and the toll it takes on self and relationship
Why Most Men Resist Couples Counseling
We men are a funny breed. We claim we don’t want or need much help in most areas of life, yet just below the surface we are often a little lost, in some degree of pain, or very confused. “I’m fine.” is our tag line. And saying I’m fine on top of a more genuine…
Why Your Teenage Son Needs His Ass Kicked
our culture does little to nothing to assist teen boys in crossing the threshold into manhood. here’s why that must change
The Boy Code
Are men just lame? clueless? Just guys? Do we really only care about sports, boobs, gadgets and cars? Or is there more to the story?