Women: 3 Steps To Get Your Man To Show Up In The Relationship – Terry Real – SC 24

Relationship expert Terry Real covers two leverage points to get men to show up relationally. That and so much more in this episode.
Women’s Sexuality – Christiane Pelmas and Rensselear Resch – SC 17

I got a serious education in this interview with Christiane and Ren. I can get so focused on men’s issues that I lose sight of what’s occurring for women. So, needless to say, this episode was very helpful. Since I have a daughter, I’m particularly interested in how to raise her in a “good” way around her own sexuality. Sure, my wife’s got so much of that covered, but as her Dad, I’m eager to support her unfolding in the most beautiful way possible. So, thanks to these two women and the women who were brave enough to ask some tough questions of themselves and their sexuality. I’m learning and I’m grateful.
How to Attract A Conscious Man

Is calling a man evolved or conscious a trap? Let’s explore what a conscious man is and what a conscious man is not.
Raising Boys and Men in 2015

What is going on with men, how do women help them and our sons? It’s not what you think…
3 Mistakes That Are Driving Your Man Further Away

Understanding the mistakes you’re making will help you get back on track to actually improving your marriage with a way more effective approach…
How to Validate Your Spouse

Learning how to validate your spouse is a critical skill in a marriage. If you don’t get good at this, you’ll fight more, and connect less.
For guys that say to their girlfriends, “You deserve better than me.”

For guys that say to their girlfriends, “You deserve better than me,” there’s much more to the story and it’s about looking in the mirror and showing her more respect