The Love 360 Weekend
Transform Any Relationship Into An Indestructible Partnership
The Relationship Event Of The Year For
Growth-Development Oriented Individuals & Couples
Finally, Practical Relationship Education That You Can Use To Strengthen Your Bond And Connection (Regardless Of How Challenging It Gets)
February 26-28, 2016 in beautiful Boulder, CO
2.5 days you can't afford to miss if you want to go to the next level in your intimate partnerships.
Who This Live Weekend IS For?
With this class you are not only more attractive to your future mate, you are able and willing to handle any challenge that comes your way. So come prepare yourself for the dream relationship.
You're not yet married, and may never be, but you get that arguing well is crucial to your relationship success and fulfillment, no matter how long you stay with this person.
You completely understand by now that if you want to go the distance, you MUST get in the driver's seat of your reactivity or your marriage won't last, period. Get the win-win program down for life.
Who This Live Weekend Is NOT For?
We all blame, but if you feel attached to your partner being "wrong" then I can't help you. If you are open to seeing your part, and working on it, then we're in business.
If you struggle like the rest of us in partnership, no problem. But if you complain and whine about it, without finding the very best solutions to help you take full responsibility, we won't get along very well.
Band-Aid Seekers
If you want the pain to just magically disappear, or you want someone to make it all go away with no effort on your part, I can't help. But if you want to "earn" a great relationship, let's do this.
Get The # 1 Skill To Prevent
Break-Ups, Mean Fights, Affairs & Divorce
It's shocking to me how many break ups and blow outs could be avoided if people learned one thing.
The brain research is clear...
If you cannot, and do not, learn to regulate your emotions, shut down, or reactivity during or after an argument, disagreement or fight, you will not only damage your brain, but you will lose relationship over the long haul.
Check this quote out from the International Business Times
"Exposure to frequent conflicts between parents can impair brain development in children and place them at a greater risk of several mental health issues, researchers reveal."
It's just true now.
It's what a lot of psychologists thought, but now we have the facts.
Or how about this from Couples Attachment Expert Stan Tatkin,
"Insecurity and insecure attachment negatively affect brain performance. Development can be slowed down because the brain is using most of its resources to manage being in survival mode instead of being free to move toward evolution, growth, and complexity."
I wish there was a way to make conflict resolution a required part of the classroom in schools everywhere (I have some long-term visions on this, stay tuned). We'd thrive instead of survive...
But since it’s not being taught in schools and we never learned it in schools, and because no couple can avoid conflict successfully over time, I invite you to learn with me, right here, right now.
Come to “relationship school” right now and learn the most vital skill that all successful couples understand.
Win-Win arguing
If I had to choose only one skill, out of the countless I know, to help couples make it long term learning “how to fight well” is the one I'd choose.
In my 2 decades of experience with families and couples, this was the missing skill I observe every single time because it's what had families and parents dragging their kids into forced treatment where I worked back in the day. The unwillingness or inability to do conflict well was the determining failure factor of every single family I knew. Above addiction, above mental illness, and far above anything else.
Later on in my career, same thing...The inability or unwillingness to do conflict was the only reason individuals and couples came in to see me when I was a licensed psychotherapist for almost ten years.
Don’t be a crippled couple when it comes to having a thriving partnership.
Don’t let your inability or unwillingness ruin your awesome partnership.
Don’t let your fight flight fear response drive your partner away…
You can do this.
I applaud your efforts for making it this far in your life and this far to reach this page. It means you are pretty damn serious about learning this one for good.
Because this is like riding a bike...
...once you get it, you've got it for the rest of your life.
And, since the bumps in the road will always be there in your interpersonal relationships, you can rest assured knowing you have the powertools to deal with any challenge that comes into your relationship life.
This course goes beyond arguments and deals with the heart of our unrest with the tension between you and others.
If you want to not only learn how to achieve win-win arguing all the time, but also how to be a resilient warrior when you have ANY interpersonal challenge with famliy, friends or co-workers, then this course holds the keys to your new kingdom to a much more empowered future.
See you on the other side!
Big respect,

Jayson Gaddis's favorite thing to do grow like a weed and connect with his wife and kids.
His second favorite thing to do is help you grow through your intimate relationships.
He's spent over the past 2 decades in a variety of settings studying human behavior and why people struggle to understand each other. His own life has been full of endless failures and victories so he wants to save you time, money, and energy by dissolving the core conflicts so you can love bigger. He teaches virtual relationship empowerment classes to students around the globe. And in this live weekend seminar he's going to teach you the #1 foundational skill you must learn in order to have a successful long-term partnership.
In This Live Weekend You Will Learn:
- What Love360 is and how it's going to dramatically improve your relationship
- The only context that creates win-win arguments
- Partner exercises that will help you get serious practice and community throughout the course
- How to create a secure container so you can handle any fight
- The 180 Clarity To Freedom Process that dissolves any charges between you and your partner
- How to communicate effectively so you can get exactly what you want
- How to identify the core issue between you and your partner
- Why boundaries matter and an experiential understanding of how to set them (This one is fun!)
- How to take any conversation deeper
- How to end any fight without talking about it
- How to get over resentments
Plus, Post-Event Integration. . .
Insert description of two integration calls to take place post-event...
Real Results from Real Students
Tomas & Melina
As we worked our way through the course it began to bring so much in depth clarity about why we were fighting, how we could differently interact with each other during conflict and effectively take responsibility. . . . It has opened up new possibilities to us where we don't feel as helpless during conflict but rather now we have options and tools to use to help us. . . . Thank you Jayson - this course is truly eye and heart opening, your straight forward, sometimes light hearted approach made it easy to digest. We are both deeply grateful.
Melaney G, Performing Artist
Jayson’s course was transformational! In years of radical personal growth, I haven’t found anything that comes even close to his material, in terms of practicality, mindset, clear usable examples, hands on coaching and real life daily application! He will firmly help you identify what you are wanting, help you get clear on it, and move toward it. Be ready and willing to buckle yourself in for this ride. You are worth it. If you don’t believe that, you really need what he has to offer. Be prepared to be “met” and “seen” in a loving way you have never experienced before. He gets you. Thank you again. I’m so grateful for you!
Friday 2/26:
- 2pm-3pm: Registration
- 3pm-6pm: Jayson drops relationship wisdom
- 6pm-7pm: Dinner break
- 7pm-9pm: Jayson brings relationship truth
Saturday 2/27:
- 9am-1pm: Jayson produces relationship pearls
- 1pm-2pm: Lunch Break
- 2pm-6pm: Jayson facilitates relationship mastery
- 6pm-8pm: Dinner Break
- 8pm-10pm: TBD Evening Activity
Sunday 2/28:
- 10am-1pm: Jayson conveys relationship nuggets
- 1pm-2pm: Lunch Break
- 2pm-5pm: Jayson delivers relationship goods
Thank you for bringing this opportunity to me at this point in my life to improve all my relationships but especially to see that what I want is achievable and I am worthy of it—with or without my current partner.
Kevin Beach
I feel very empowered and resourced to "do life" differently, in a way that I will be more true to myself and have more fulfilling relationships with others.
Matthew Nelson
I just wanted to truly thank you Jayson for being my life raft. You continue to guide me as I discover who I am and learn what I want and do not want in relationships as I move forward. I truly believe that I could never have gotten to this place without you!!!!!!!
Kimberly Glow, Physician
I'm ready to take my relationships to the next level!
Smart move. Below are your pricing options.

SHARE THE LOVE! Bring a friend or partner for FREE!
Through 1/24, Relationship Roots members have the opportunity bring a friend or partner - from outside the Roots community only - for free, by submitting a deposit of $197.
Both passes ($797 weekend pass for the Roots member + $197 Share The Love deposit for the friend or partner) must be purchased by January 24. The friend or partner must attend Love 360 or the $197 deposit will not be refunded. Eligible deposits will be refunded electronically during the Love 360 weekend.
To take advantage of this opportunity, first purchase your weekend pass. On your order confirmation page, you will receive a link to submit the $197 deposit.
Got more friends who want to join us? Bring them for HALF-PRICE!
Bring a friend or partner to Love 360 for half price! Through February 24th, you may purchase a half-price $397 Share The Love pass with the purchase of a full price weekend pass.
To take advantage of the opportunity to purchase a half-price ticket, first purchase your weekend pass. On your order confirmation page, you will receive a link to purchase the $397 pass.
Jennifer MorrisonParticipating in the Conflict course with Jayson was like having a bunch of switches turned on in my thinking and way of seeing around relationships and my own behavior! But rather than being too heady or conceptual, these "aha" moments of discovery and understanding are actual tools I have already been able to integrate - ones I can use everyday, in every relationship, and for the rest of my life. By lighting up some dark corners, I feel clearer in what I need to work on, and how, and and a door has opened that lets me feel closer to my partner, as well as my friends and family. Thanks, Jayson! Great stuff!
Rachel V.This course challenged me. A lot. I went in hoping for strategies on how to deal with my partner and came out with strategies for how to deal with myself. The tools I learned steered me out of the “he said/she said” mental loops and helped me get unstuck from some of my old wounds and patterns so I can start to tap into a deeper foundation of joy and power.
I love the courageous community and the friendships that have emerged out of the intentional space that Jayson opened for the group. His guidance has been invaluable. I’m so grateful!
The Integral Center is a "community as practice" organization exploring the edges of what creates strong relationships and lives. In this evolutionary practice space, theory ends and practice and embodiment begin. It's an incubator for self and community development that supports a balance of connection + challenge to foster growth. At the Integral Center, people uncover their gifts so they can share them with the world
Denver International Airport (DIA)
Denver International Airport is the closest airport, approximately 50 miles southeast of Boulder.
Sky Ride Bus
The Sky Ride is the most budget friendly option and travels between DIA and Boulder every hour (between 3am – 11pm). You can get a rider pass for $11.00 (one way) at the RTD SkyRide Sales Counter at DIA, West Terminal, Level 5 (price may change). Your stop will be “14th & Walnut – the Boulder bus terminal.” From there, you many call a taxi, hotel shuttle, etc.
Shared-ride shuttles and taxis to/from DIA
There are several ground transportation options available. The Ground Transportation Information Counter is located in the central area on Level 5 of Jeppesen Terminal
Car rental options to/from DIA
Driving time between Denver International Airport (DIA) and Boulder is approximately 60 to 90 minutes. From DIA, follow Peña Boulevard (10 miles) south to I-70, and exit onto I-70 west. Follow I-70 west to I-270 west. I-270 merges into U.S. 36 west and takes you west into Boulder (about 23 miles). Get directions from DIA.
Parking and Getting Around
The Integral Center is in an urban area with limited parking. You’re encouraged to drive only if necessary and use alternative transportation if possible.
Boulder is a walking-friendly town and within easy walking distance to the Integral Center are several restaurants, Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods), a pharmacy, a post office, and a tea/coffee shop. It’s a 12-block (approx. 15 minute) walk to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, hiking trails, and several good hotels.
Local Bus
The Boulder Skip Bus goes up and down Broadway, stopping at the Center every 7 – 15 minutes. Broadway is Boulder’s main north-south artery traveling to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, downtown area, and many hotels.
B-cycle is Boulder's bike sharing program which allows you to rent and return a bike from various stations around town. Unlike typical bike rental, each ride is kept short, and B-cycles are returned to their stations when not in use rather than being kept and locked up. Pick up a bike at any B-station, and return it to any station when you’re done.
Local Taxi Service
Boulder Yellow Cab can be reached at 303-777-7777.
Below are a few hotel options, with distances from the Integral Center. For additional hotel details, please contact the hotel. More area hotel options are available here.
Boulder University Inn
5 – 7 minute drive or bus ride, 25 – 30 minute walk
Holiday Inn Express
7 – 10 minute drive or bus ride, a little too far to walk
Boulder International Hostel
7 – 10 minute drive or bus ride, a little too far to walk
Hotel Boulderado
5-minute drive or bus ride, 10-minute walk
St. Julien Hotel and Spa
5 – 7 minute drive or bus ride, 25 – 30 minute walk
Lodging continued. . .
Airbnb is is a website allowing anyone from private residents to commercial properties to rent out their extra space. The site allows for user reviews, verification, and secure online transactions. Listings include vacation rentals, private rooms, entire apartments, bed and breakfasts and many other traditional and non-traditional accommodations.
Meals are not included with registration. There are many restaurants within walking distance of the Integral Center and the Pearl Street Mall is about 8-10 blocks away (a 15 minute walk). There is also Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods) as well as a tea/coffee shop a block away at Broadway and Alpine.
Love 360 takes place February 26-28, 2016 at the Integral Center in beautiful Boulder, CO.
Love 360 is an event for adults aged 18 years or over. All attendees must have purchased a weekend pass and be registered. Check out the Share The Love Pass for an opportunity to bring a friend or partner for free (Relationship Roots members) or at half price.
Through 1/25, Relationship Roots members have the opportunity bring a friend or partner - from outside the Roots community only - for free, by submitting a deposit of $197.
Both passes ($797 weekend pass for the Roots member + $197 Share The Love deposit for the friend or partner) must be purchased by January 24. The friend or partner must attend Love 360 or the $197 deposit will not be refunded. Eligible deposits will be refunded electronically during the Love 360 weekend.
To take advantage of this opportunity, first purchase your weekend pass. On your order confirmation page, you will receive a link to submit the $197 deposit.
The Share The Love Pass is an opportunity for folks either within or outside the Roots community to bring a friend or partner for half price ($397).
Through February 24th, you may purchase a half-price $397 Share The Love pass with the purchase of a full price weekend pass.
To take advantage of the opportunity to purchase a half-price ticket, first purchase your weekend pass. On your order confirmation page, you will receive a link to purchase the $397 pass.
Denver International Airport (DIA) is about 50 miles south east of Boulder. Driving time between Denver International Airport (DIA) and Boulder is approximately 60 to 90 minutes, depending on traffic.
If you are visiting from out of town, there are many hotels near the Integral Center. A few of the closer options are highlighted under "Lodging" above.
The Integral Center is in an urban area and has limited parking. You’re encouraged to drive only if necessary and use alternative transportation if you’re able. More info about transportation options is available above under "Parking and Getting Around".
All confirmed attendees can join the Facebook event page for the Love 360 weekend. Shared rides, lodging, or meet-ups, can be planned there with fellow community members.
Jayson will combine teaching with breakout sessions where you will be able to practice and integrate the tools. There will be time allotted for asking questions. See above for an outline of the daily agenda. Additional details will be emailed to you before the event.
There will be a variety of herbal tea and hot water available all day. You are welcome to bring water bottles and snacks into the meeting space. There will be breaks throughout the day as well as an extended break for lunch. There are many restaurants within walking distance of the Integral Center and the Pearl Street Mall is about 8-10 blocks away (a 15 minute walk). There is also Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods) as well as a tea/coffee shop a block away at Broadway and Alpine (a 3 minute walk).
All confirmed attendees are invited to join the Facebook event page for Love 360. Shared rides, lodging, or meet-ups, can be planned there with other folks.
We would love to have your help, but we've already selected our volunteers for this year. Stay tuned for opportunities at future events!
Join Us And Get The Keys To Creating Your Indestructible Partnership.
Don't wait. Get your foundation set in place forever so when things inevitably get hard and challenge comes, you will meet and clear the charges as they arise, and get empowered and stronger through whatever comes your way.