For Smart Seekers Who Intuit There's Another Way...
Learn The Best Relationship Tools & Methods To Clear ANY Relational Issue In Half The Time
(And Teach Others To Do The Same)
Relationship As A Path Foundations Course
What is “Relationship As A Path Foundations"
RAP Foundations is an 8 week class for a very committed person like you who wants to: 1) continue to burn through your own relational blocks and 2) Sharpen your sword to help others with their relational blocks.
It's a behind the scenes look at how I work with people much more efficiently than therapy or any other approach. Traditional therapy is slow and often supports the stance of the victim. My clarity to freedom process is simple, lean, and mean.
How does it work?
Once you enroll in the 8 week course, you’ll get access to a private course members area.
There, you will see 8 recordings that are about 75-90 minutes each, where you get to listen as I walk past participants through the skeleton of how I work with someone.
Then, you'll get simple, but very effective practices you will do with a practice partner between classes. Bonus points is practicing on friends, family members, or clients.
On those same recordings, you hear from people like you who are developing "relationship" as a path and craft for their lives.
You will get downloadable PDFs, MP3s, and other info to keep you on track week to week. You can listen to the classes whenever you like, doing dishes, on a walk or run, or whatever suits you and rewind as many times as you like.
You will learn:
- The Bulletproof Mindset/View required to go to the next level
- Communication and Conflict wizardry with the POS
- Embodied Experiencing
- Balancing thru the Clarity to Freedom process (True Wholeness)
- The magic trick to uncork your superpower
- How conventional “Motivational Interviewing” is key to your success
- How to integrate the "greatest hits" from coaching and therapy
- Captive Audience, Boundaries, and much more
Here are just a few testimonials about Jayson's work:
"Jayson, I want to tell you what a tremendous impact you and your course had on me.
It was a true wake-up call to me when I was in the middle of one of the most “successful” seasons of my business, yet watching three relationships that were very important to me experience deep challenges. I knew it did not matter how much success I created professionally, if my relationships were falling apart I would not be happy. I had to humble myself and admit that I was the common denominator in all three of those relationships, therefore, I was motivated to invest in breaking any of my own relating patterns that may have been contributing to the struggle.
Having been deeply impacted by your free articles and webinars, as well as our podcast interview, I knew I could trust you and your craft. I knew you would give me tangible tools and strategies that actually worked, all the while honoring myself and the value of relationships as a path to growth.
Your coaching helped me identify my deepest values so as to make decisions that were congruent with what I wanted most. You helped me identify and break some relating patterns that have impacted my entire life—some of which were previously unconscious. It felt so empowering to be able to change the relating patterns and end the struggles with deep clarity and confidence.
You are the real deal. Thank you for serving me powerfully at this critical juncture in my life."Vanessa Horn Speaker | Author | Business Coach
Kevin Beach"Thank you for bringing this opportunity to me at this point in my live to improve all my relationships but especially to see that what I want is achievable and I am worthy of it—with or without my current partner."
“Jayson is an unusually powerful facilitator and coach. He has the rare combination of a big heart, a sharply trained mind, and a generous spirit. I have watched Jayson with awe and appreciation as he has worked with both groups and individuals in a beautifully skilled fashion. He has the ability to lead a room, to inspire the best in others, and to spark positive change in the midst of chaos.”
Marc David Founder, The Institute For The Psychology Of Eating
Listening each week to Jayson and working with awesome, motivated individuals from this Relationship As a Path group has been great. Some new issues and improvements have popped up for me and I feel like I'm improving in some of my weak areas. Of course this feels great and it's all come from the support of others and hearing things put just a little bit differently. Working through my core complaint has helped me even more with preparing to be the best father I can possibly be. I look forward to bringing up a young man who is proud to Love and show his emotion. A boy who is proud to hug his dad.
Rick Welyky Business Owner/Operator | Life Coach, Australia
I can see how the work in Relationship As a Path can help me when I get into those strange situations where I have felt so powerless, awkward and frustrated in the past!!!
Denise Harris Body-centered Mindfulness-based Life Coach | Tango Dancer | Buenos Aires, Argentina
Jayson’s course was transformational! In years of radical personal growth, I haven’t found anything that comes even close to his material, in terms of practicality, mindset, clear usable examples, hands on coaching and real life daily application! He will firmly help you identify what you are wanting, help you get clear on it, and move toward it. Be ready and willing to buckle yourself in for this ride. You are worth it. If you don’t believe that, you really need what he has to offer. Be prepared to be “met” and “seen” in a loving way you have never experienced before. He gets you. Thank you again. I’m so grateful for you, and for the Facebook friendship.”
Melaney G 42 Performing Artist, Southern Bend, IN
I love the content of Relationship As a Path and Jayson’s style. I’m learning a lot about myself and seeing things from a different perspective. I am finding so many ways these tools relate to parenting and just life in general. I have to say I feel like I just want more!!
Abby Wyers Conscious Parenting Coach at, Portland, OR
--Matthew Nelson"I feel very empowered and resourced to "do life" differently, in a way that I will be more true to myself and have more fulfilling relationships with others."
Ana RuízSince taking the Relationship As a Path course, I have been practicing the reflective listening with friends and clients, and noticing that my friendships feel more intimate than ever before, and I really like that. I am also being more proactive about communicating my needs and wants to others, as opposed to staying quiet and afraid to be a burden. The biggest benefits for me are more self-awareness, and I can feel emotions deeper: joy, love, anger, sadness, frustration, fear, gratitude.
Please Note:
This is a recorded class, not a live one.
Even though there won't be live calls, you will get:
16 hours of content
Q and A
$647 USD