Relational & Sexual Warriorship For Men
Turning Your Intimacy Weaknesses Into Ball-Busting Superpowers.
Jayson is the most knowledgable man I know concerning the dynamics and challenges of relationships…
And He has a gift for turning those challenges into rocket fuel for your own personal growth, so you maximize your power in the world.
Andy Drish Co-Founder, the Foundation
In 90 Days From Now You Will Become
A Warrior In Your Life
A man who does not have the proper context in his Life is lost at sea. It’s time you learn an indestructible framework for Life.
A Relational Badass
Perhaps the most important modern day skill is the ability to connect deeply with other people, especially with your chosen life partner.
More Sexually Empowered
Sexual rock starts don’t exist. Real men who learn about mature sexuality do. Come join the fun and be your relaxed self.
Calling all warrior-like men...
Look at any great athlete, champion, leader, hero, or badass.
They all have one thing in common.
They overcome adversity big time. They face their challenges, even when they are afraid.
And, even though it looks like they do it single handedly, they actually don’t.
They don’t go it alone. None of them.
Let me explain…
...Any legend, myth, or epic story throughout time involves a central character--the hero. That character is you.
And the character in the story is often surrounded by at least a few people who help him or her out. Without these people, the central hero couldn’t make it. Even loners like the Hulk and Batman have help.
Back to you...
So, if it’s true that you are the main character in your life, with your body and your c*ck, chalked full of your issues and talents, how are you navigating your hero’s journey?
My guess is you have some good days and some bad days. You probably also struggle and compare yourself to other guys. Due to your conditioning, you might even pretend like everything’s fine.
But here’s the deal…
..struggle is important. Your struggle is very important.
It doesn’t matter what challenge is going on in your life, it’s all happening to you for a reason.
That reason is simple:
So, you can be, and become, all that you are.
Adversity builds strength and character.
Your trials are precisely yours because they are happening to you. Therefore, it must also be true that you are the person to face the music that is playing everyday. No matter how painful or blissful, it’s yours to face so you can transmute it and learn the lesson therein.
Moreover, you are the person you’ve been waiting for, to meet your life, your one precious life, head on.
So, you have two choices.
- Turn toward your challenges and engage, or
- Run away and distance.
Before I started working on myself, I chose option 2 every time. I ran away from my relationship problems. I hid my sexual problems.
So, of course, nothing changed.
Not until I put all my chips in option 1 did my life begin to turn around.
So, I applaud you for being here. You are likely the kind of man who will, in this moment, choose option 1.
Join me and a small band of warrior-like brothers who can, and will, be more empowered sexually and relationally 90 days from right now.
Let’s do this!
Terrain We Will Cover
- Trusting your life
- Clearing your shame and using it to your advantage
- Getting right with your cock
- How to value you, even more

More Terrain We Will Cover
- Finding your power and courage out of the ashes
- How to reframe any challenge into your opportunity to get much, much stronger
- How to create accountability in your life so you don’t lose
- Be the guy in the room that can handle any emotionally charged upset or conflict with anyone
Your Guide For The Next 90 Days
About Jayson Gaddis
Jayson Gaddis, relationship expert and host of the Smart Couple Podcast, is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do intimate relationships.” He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to master relationships. Now, he’s married to his amazing wife of 8 years and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.
Introducing The R.S.W. Men's Training...
Module 1
We don't get off the ground until we thoroughly review how to make your Life completely trustworthy and indestructible no matter what you personally face. Learn how to turn any trauma into a triumph.
Module 2
Building Community. In this group, we understand the variables and key ingredients that go into relationship and life success. One of those variables is creating a team who has your back. We cover our core agreements, continue to set context, and teach you the beginning foundational tools that will carry you for the next 3 months.
Module 3
Feedback. Learning how to give a man proper feedback that will both challenge and support him is essential for you to go the distance and support your fellow brothers on the journey. Feedback is a skill that translates into any setting from work, to parenting, to your marriage. Receiving feedback without getting defensive is also a skill you will slowly master here.
Module 4
Relational Badassery. One key to living large in life is knowing how to listen like a beast. We will toss out your ineffective listening skills and replace it with rock solid listening tools that not only help you get the kind of connection you want, but also help you open your woman's body and heart to you. The best listener always wins and you must learn how to listen in a whole new way.
Module 5
Conflict. No longer will you be a man who runs away, or defends himself when conflict rears its head in your intimate relationship. Learning how to navigate your relationships with the most difficult people in your life--partner, family, co-workers, authority figures. If you get "hooked" and turn into a little boy, you're in for trouble. In this module, you learn how to put your big boy pants on with the basic tool box to have the relational advantage in any situation.
Module 6
Your relationship to Your cock. In this module, we get very vulnerable and very real about your relationship to your Johnson. This relationship is so primary that it can be the source of devastating problems for many men. So, you'll get the basic program and download on "getting right with your cock" so that from here on out, you two are a dream team, rather than an arguing mess.
Module 7
Sex. Ah, yes. One of the most pleasurable and painful aspects of your life. How you do sex is how you do life. If you are honest, you have insecurities here that must be addressed before you ruin any well-intended relationship with your current, or next, lover. In this module, we dismantle all the BS introjects about how you "Should" be in the bedroom, and instead help you get in the driver's seat of your inner stallion and how you actually are, when your heart is connected to your cock.
Module 8
Integration is everything. Here we solidify your next 90 day plan to stay on it with the tools and accountability using your small group. I will not allow you to leave this training with at least 2 accountability partners (ideally 4) who will track you, your progress and be willing to give you brutally honest feedback and hold your feet to the fire of your commitments. We part ways knowing you will continue to succeed.
Your Training Dates
- Thursday May 5th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday May 19th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday June 2nd, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday June 16th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday June 30th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday July 14th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday July 28th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
- Thursday August 11th, 4-5:30pm Mountain Time
Not only will you get 12 hours of amazing content over the course of three-months, you will become a sexually empowered, relational warrior who turns every challenge into an opportunity to become stronger, more agile, more focused, and more fulfilled in your intimate life.
Plus, you get these awesome bonuses.

1 - A Private Facebook Community
A private members only Facebook group that provides accountability. You'll join a strong crew of men who "have your back" because they are holding your feet to the fire.
Bonus #2 - Practice Partners
Every week, you will meet and practice with one other man from the training. You will rotate so as to give and receive feedback from at least half of the community. Men who practice will simply go further.

Bonus #3 -A Mini-men's group when you leave this training
You will be paired with at least 2 (and up to 4) other men for weekly group calls meant to help you hold each others feet to the fire. I'll outline additional structure and parameters once we get going. These small groups will continue after this training is complete..
Jayson is a warrior. He lives and breathes relationship work. He’s helped me tremendously and if you take action on what he teaches you will have no other option than to go up to the next level in your life.
Steve Wright Health Engineer
Jayson is a powerful and effective leader and teacher who has been upleveling the quality of men’s relationships and lives for the past twenty years. He leads by example, bringing abundant passion, integrity, and transparency to every aspect of his work. He knows how to be gentle, and he knows how to be tough. I trust his mind, his heart, and his gut.
Josh Levin Life Coach, Psychotherapist
You can't lose with this incredible guarantee!
I’m so absolutely sure that this 30-day course change your life, that I’m offering a risk free 30-day money back guarantee. If for whatever reason this course does not satisfy you in any way, simply send us an email within 30 days from your purchase and we’ll refund you on one condition. Click here to read my full Refund Policy. You have nothing to lose!
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q.I'm single, will this do shit for me?
A.Please stop seeing you being single as a problem when learning relationship skills and badassery. Now is the time to concretize your relational arsenal so that when you enter a relationship, you are equipped to face more of you so that you can connect with her much more deeply.
Q.Is there a payment plan?
A.Of course. As stated above you can pay in full or in 3 monthly installments. Very little good comes out of paying nothing for something. Men who put skin in the game, go the distance. Like any normal guy, you too can make this happen, even with your paycheck. Invest and watch the results start to happen.
Q.What if I have to miss one or more of the live classes?
A.No problem. All training modules are recorded and posted within 24 hours in the members area as an MP4 file, or a downloadable Mp3 file. You will also be partnering up with a new man between each module so as to practice what you are learning so it sinks in even more. You can even email your questions in ahead of time and Jayson will answer them on the live calls.
Q.Is this in person and do I need to live in Colorado?
A.No. This is a 100% virtual training. You can live anywhere in the world to make this happen. Virtual settings are perfect for self-study from home. In addition the practice partners between modules adds ridiculous value to the skills you learn in the training modules.
Q.When this training is over, will I have access to the course materials and the men in the training?
A.Yes. You will have access to the course for a minimum of 1 year and likely longer. You will also walk away with access to the men who have had your back for 3 months and the most committed men will continue their own virtual men’s circle and will outpace any man who is trying to go it alone in life.
Q.Can I access this training from my smart phone?
A.Yes. If you are like me, your phone goes with you everywhere and so you have access to this course at the tip of your fingers. You not only can log in to the members area and listen or watch previous modules, you can call in when we have a live class and ask questions by speaking or typing into your phone or tablet.