Grow Yourself Up
Learn why you act like a little boy sometimes and learn how to grow yourself up and commit to making it happen
Be The Man You Know You Are Capable Of Being
Are you reaching your potential as a man? Why not start now.
Take Full Responsibility For Your Life
Can you commit to taking full responsibility for your life? What needs to happen?
The 10 Commitments of (Revolutionary) Manhood
Get ready to make some commitments about being the kind of man you want to be.
108 Day Leadership & Personal Development Training Completed
Testimonials from Jayson’s 108 day personal development training for men
Apply Now: Next Round of Pay-It-Forward Coaching Program
Are you aware of what is possible in your life? What practical steps are you taking to live a more fulfilling life? Read on. In an ongoing way, I offer 6-weeks of personalized coaching that has already been paid for. Why? Because I want to support guys who
Why Finding a Man Mentor Is So Essential
Different Kinds of Mentors and Why finding a Man Mentor is so essential