Six Critical Things to Know About Affairs

Affairs are often a helpful wakeup call in a marriage. The brave couple can not only get through them, but grow closer as a result
For Couples Who Want to Learn Conflict

Ever meet that couple that’s been married for years that says proudly, “We never fight!” Um, yeah. That’s often (not always) a yellow flag for me. After I spend time with these folks it turns out that under their “polite” demeanor, they are afraid of the C word. While this couple can claim they have…
Conflict-Wasting Time Fighting Over Who’s Right

For couples who habitually do conflict by trying to be right. Here’s another way.
The Value of Clearing Conflict with Your Partner

If a couple wants to unlock their relationship potential, and really deepen over time, they need to clear the decks and get to zero. Zero means nothing is under the rug, no more hiding, and all resentments and withholds are aired and cleared. Otherwise, they spend time getting tripped up by all the baggage that…