Indestructible Partnerships:
Win-Win Arguing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question #1: Can I take this course if I’m single?

Absolutely. If you want to be in a partnership in the future, you will learn invaluable skills.  And, win-win arguing will help all relationships – not just intimate ones.

Question #2: What exactly do I get with the course?

Great question. You get 5 classes with me that are all available right now. Audio and Video recordings, pdfs of homework, and partner assignments. 

Each week, I send you additional reading and suggestions so if you want to pace yourself over the 30 days, I’m right there with you. You’ll also get a year of access and login 24/7 (it is all digital + downloadable so you can login to access the content & download the course and take it on the go with you as well, or keep it forever!)

Content is available in video (just press play!), audio download (.MP3) and slides (.PDF).

Question #3: What does the course cost?

We have two options for payment:

Option #1: 4 monthly payments of $97

Option #2: One time payment of $347

You get access to the course as we go along no matter what payment option you choose. It might be crazy to do this, but I trust you to follow through with your payments. And, we keep track of things on our end, so we’ll track you down if need be.

Question #4: Jayson, what if I buy and want a refund? What’s the policy?

Indestructible Partnerships: Win-Win Arguing comes with a 30-day 100% money back guarantee.

I’m so confident in the program that you will get every penny back within 30 days. You can read more about the refund policy on the sales page, but here is the essence of it:

Important: To be eligible for a refund, I require your completed homework from the first three classes, as well as a written description of the changes you were making and the results you got.  This means you must apply my teachings to your life and your relationships.  I know that if you do, you’ll get results.  But If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition.

I do this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. I take my learning environment seriously and maintain a very high standard of truth, integrity, encouragement, and inspired, action-oriented learning.

Question #5: Do I get access to everything all at once or do I have to wait?

Yes!  Video, audio, and pdfs are all ready for you right now.