How To Work With Personality Differences – Joel & Antonia – SC 77

In this episode, personality hackers and smart couple Joel and Antonia share their personal experiences of working through differences by understanding their partner’s personality type.
3 Steps To Become More Resilient Before, During & After A Fight with Dr. Rick Hanson – SC 67

It is possible to rewire your brain in relationships and build inner strength. Not doing so leads to more and more stress and dysfunction over time. Check out Rick Hanson as he helps us understand the brain and relationships.
Keys To Mastering Relationships & Life With Dr. John Demartini – SC 60

Here I interview one of my main mentors and the Yoda of Personal and Professional Development, Dr. John Demartini. We talk about values, stress, the body, sexual polarity, and quantum entanglement all in the context of intimate relationships.
How To Feel Safe & Secure With Your Partner with Stan Tatkin – SC 53

Do you really have to parent your partner? And, how is co-dependency different than secure functioning? Get ready for a serious education on being “wired” to your partner and how that can hurt or help you in your long-term relationships
Want A Peaceful Relationship? Learn This – SC 46

It’s pretty normal to want an easeful, peaceful partnership where we all just get along. However, if you truly want to get to peace, you must do this one thing
Revolutionary Sex for Men with Alex Allman – SC 43

Giving her an orgasm isn’t what you think. In this episode guest Alex Allman helps men get more honest and more present with their sex lives and how crucial it is to have other men in your life to bust your balls when you need it.
How Circling Can Deepen Your Relationships – Decker Cunov – SC 38

What is this relational practice that has the potential to transform every relationship in your life? Learn from Decker Cunov what circling is and how you can start practicing today.
3 Ways To Inspire Love Over Time – Adam Gilad – SC 29

Adam Gilad brings some super helpful reframes to love and intimacy. You don’t find love, you _______ it!