Men & Vulnerability with Connor Beaton of ManTalks – SC 73

Sometimes, men need a little permission or a nudge to open up and talk about what’s really going on. In this episode we talk about men, what our problem is and what we can do about it.
Marriage After Kids, Are You Doomed? – SC 52

Does having children ruin your marriage? The stats are against most of you who get married and choose children. But why is this, and what can you and your spouse do about it? Find out…
Long-Distance Relationships, Entitlement & Sex, Blended Families, Winning Him Back, & Much More – SC 44

Do long distance relationships work? What about people who get divorced and then re-marry–are they any better off? My partner expects sex, what do I do? I answer these and more on this episode.
A Letter To My C*ck

May this post serve to penetrate and dissolve the deep shame so many boys and men feel about their bodies, their performance, and their sexuality.
Cock Talk – 4 Men Getting Really Honest – SC 22

Four brave men get really honest about their sex lives, sexual history, insecurities and triumphs. This episode is not to be missed.
How Therapist Bruce Tift Helped Me Have The Balls To Marry My Wife – SC 18

Check out the podcast interview with Bruce Tift and Jayson Gaddis on relationship as a spiritual path. You’ll also enjoy the deep dive about closeness vs intimacy.
Women’s Sexuality – Christiane Pelmas and Rensselear Resch – SC 17

I got a serious education in this interview with Christiane and Ren. I can get so focused on men’s issues that I lose sight of what’s occurring for women. So, needless to say, this episode was very helpful. Since I have a daughter, I’m particularly interested in how to raise her in a “good” way around her own sexuality. Sure, my wife’s got so much of that covered, but as her Dad, I’m eager to support her unfolding in the most beautiful way possible. So, thanks to these two women and the women who were brave enough to ask some tough questions of themselves and their sexuality. I’m learning and I’m grateful.
Cock Talk – Men’s Sexual Issues – David Cates – SC 16

This is another great podcast, and our first one around sexuality, especially as it pertains to men (women sexuality coming in the next episode). David and I explore my own challenges and triumphs and what’s going on in the male mind when it comes to getting stuck around “performing” in the bedroom. You’ll dig it.