
Free Guided N.E.S.T. Meditation
In this short meditation, Jayson sets some brief context as to why meditation is important in your relationship life and then gives a guided instruction on how to do the N.E.S.T. meditation. The N.E.S.T meditation is a powerful meditation to come back into connection with yourself and a useful check in tool to use in your relationship. This download includes 2 Mp3 tracks.

The 10 Mistakes Most Couples Make
This Mp3 class will cover the 10 most common mistakes most couples make that keep your marriage stuck and will eventually lead you to relationship frustration and failure. These are important to get if you want to have a fulfilling relationship that lasts.

Calm Yourself Down in Minutes
Have you had a bad fight today? Are you still super triggered, angry or hurt? Before you say or do something stupid, calm yourself down in just a few minutes with these 6 Mp3s. Then, you can talk or get connected again. But don’t do ANYTHING until you calm yourself down first. You never make good decisions when you are super emotional or triggered. Relax and find your center with these 6 Mp3 tracks.

Why Men Are the Way They Are
In this Ebook (which is the master’s paper I wrote in grad school) I explain the social and cultural pressures that influence how men show up in the world and how they relate to themselves, their emotions and their relationships. I start with boys and how we get brainwashed from day 1, which leads to grown men who are very disconnected. The disconnection that so many men experience is not random; it has a root, and it can be changed. If you want to learn about men, why we struggle in relationship, and what to do about it...get this Ebook.

Save Your Marriage in 7 Days
With The Marriage Rescue Plan
Before you spend countless amounts of money on counseling, therapy or attorney fees, invest in this tiny amount and try “The Marriage Rescue Plan” for 7 days. I’m pretty sure, you’ll have a shift within a week. In fact, within minutes, you can start with 4 easy action steps and you’ll see relief within hours.

The Simple Secret to Deepen Your Relationships & Move Beyond Old Patterns, Hurts, & Victimhood
You don't have to remain a victim in your story. Use this effective approach toward wholeness. Get this “mini-book” so you can get clear on moving past the baggage and stepping into an empowered place in your relationships.

Webinar + Mp3
If Only My partner Would _______, My Relationship Would Be Better
One of the most common relationship challenges I see is that we're always trying to change our partners. It’s human nature. However, not addressing this will break up a well-intended relationship. Listen and read here why you have to STOP doing this:
- 30 page Ebook
- 60 min video class
- 60 min downloadable audio

Video + Mp3 + Ebook
Conquer Erectile Dysfunction In 30 Days or Less
16 Simple Steps to get your ‘Full Cock Power’ back, naturally (without Viagra, meds or other quick fixes that don’t work). You don’t need meds and quick fixes. In fact, those mask the real issue. To get to the bottom of this issue once and for all, buy this product. (And, you’ll hear about Jayson’s personal struggles and triumphs about how he conquered ED).
- A 35 page Ebook
- A 55 min downloadable audio file you can listen to anywhere
- A 55 min video class

Ebook + Video + Mp3
Avoid Painful Fights, Affairs, and Divorce By Locking In These Bulletproof Agreements
These agreements will get you out of chaos and into a stable, bulletproof container where you can both relax and feel held. Do not avoid setting up solid agreements in your marriage. These are the specific details within your vows. Don’t rely on outdated and vague vows. Get specific, clear, and actionable. For only $7 you get:
- A 30 page Ebook where you get total clarity on each agreement and why it matters
- A stealth and bonus 11th agreement!
- A 45 min video of my wife and I discussing each agreement
- A 45 min downloadable audio of me outlining the agreements

End the Struggle with Him
If you are a woman with a man who is shut down, emotionally unavailable, or pulling away, this power-packed 30-day course will not only change your dynamic with him, it will change your life. You also get a bonus call with my wife where she talks about exactly what she did to get me to put 2 feet completely into our marriage when I was pulling away. Within a month, I asked her to marry me and I’ve never looked back. By far, this is my most popular course. The ESH provides you with a road map, tools, and community to never repeat attracting an unavailable man into your life again. Don’t believe me? Read the testimonials. This course is for women only.

Relationship As A Path
Think you want to be a relationship coach? This 8-week course is a prerequisite to any of my more “in depth” coaches trainings. For those that want to become apprentices within The Relationship School, you will need this course under your belt, or you’ll need to take the 9 month Relationship School training program. This for serious, committed students only who are already working with people. You’ll love this course if you are a doctor, therapist/counselor, coach, consultant, or another format where you work with people directly.

RSW Course
Relational & Sexual Warriorship For Men
In this 90-day course, you will learn how to Turn Your Intimacy Weaknesses Into Ball-Busting Superpowers. Seriously! There are 8 audio/video modules in this power-packed course all designed to guide you back into your heart, balls and spine, so you can show up with your woman in a way she never dreamed of. And, it’s not some BS fantasy man. No way. You’re going to learn how to be YOU, in all your colors, so you can be right where you are, which is the most attractive quality about you. Being congruently you. This course is for men only.
- 8 video modules (bonus free web class)
- 8 audio modules
- 8 -10 homework assignments to do alone, with other men and with your intimate partner
- Optional private community

Indestructible Partnerships: Win-Win Conflict and Communication
In my many years as a psychotherapist and then relationship coach, I can tell you that couples who know how to do conflict make it and couples who don’t, fall apart. This course gives you the power tools you need to learn how to communicate so you both feel understood, AND sets up the proper way to deal with conflict and other relationship challenges. There is no other way to do a relationship than “win-win”. Anything else is losing. You can take this course as an individual or as a couple.
30 - day course includes:
- 5 video classes
- 5 downloadable audios of those classes
- Recorded Q & A sections of each class from real people just like you
- 1 Bonus video class
- Overall, 10 hours of content.

Men's Group 101
Want to know the best and fastest way to have a deeper connection with women? Connect with the men in your life. Men from around the globe have taken this course and seen benefits to starting or joining a men’s group. This video class and Ebook give you the exact steps to set up, start and lead your first men’s group. Without solid men that have your back, you simply go slower and are less accountable to what you say you are going to do.

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You can finally belong to a tribe that has your back to make your relationships incredible! Hours of video and audio content, a private Facebook community, partner practices, and 2 live calls per month with me.
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Because I am fully committed to helping you change your relationship and your life, I want to offer you this 100% money back guarantee.
For Audios, Ebooks, and Bundles:
You have 7 days from the date of purchase to test out your product. If don’t feel that I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll happily refund 100% of your money.
For courses:
You have 30 days from the date of purchase to test out the course. If you’ve done the work and don’t feel that I’ve delivered on my promise, I’ll happily refund you 100% of your money.
Important: To be eligible for a refund for a course, I require your completed homework from the first three classes, as well as a written description of the changes you were making and the results you got. This means you must apply my teachings to your life and your relationships. I know that if you do, you’ll get results. But If you do the work and don’t get value, then I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition.
I do this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. I take my learning environment seriously and maintain a very high standard of truth, integrity, encouragement, and inspired, action-oriented learning.
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