My Wife On How To Repair After A Ruptured Connection – Ellen Boeder – SC 152

In a long term relationship conflict and hurt feelings are just part of the path. But what makes you a smart couple is knowing how to repair after you fight or grow distant.
Is It Okay To Go To Bed Angry? – SC 147

Is it okay to go to bed angry at your partner? In this episode I challenge the ‘never go to bed angry’ rule. Tune in to find out…
I’m Sorry You Feel That Way – SC 145

One of the worst things you can say to your partner is “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Why? Listen in for what to do instead and what you can say if your partner is saying this to you.
The One Thing That Matters More To Me Than Being Understood

Feeling understood by your partner can be a tall order. Here is the one thing that matters even more to this woman
When Your Partner’s Anger Triggers You – SC 125

If your partner gets angry and it triggers you, listen to this one. There are a couple of basic things you can do to deal with an angry partner.
One Simple Tip to Working Out Your Differences – SC 106

Working out differences and disagreements is essential. Here’s one tip to get started.
How To Repair in 3 Steps Before You Make It Worse – SC 100

My wife and I share 3 practical tips on how to repair quickly the moment you notice a rupture. What to say, when to say it, why say it, and how you both can set this structure up ahead of time.
The Problem With Never Fighting In Your Relationship – SC 95

Never fighting in your relationship is often a strategy the stoic person creates due to a deep fear of conflict or upset.