Saying Yes To Relationship Pain – SC 70

Relationship pain can be your friend or foe. The choice is up to you.

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A Letter To My C*ck

May this post serve to penetrate and dissolve the deep shame so many boys and men feel about their bodies, their performance, and their sexuality.

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Cock Talk – 4 Men Getting Really Honest – SC 22

Four brave men get really honest about their sex lives, sexual history, insecurities and triumphs. This episode is not to be missed.

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[Guest Post] Hard Time Going Soft? How to Work with Erection Issues

Christiane Pelmas and Rensselear Resch educate us on men’s sexual issues, and how to work with them.

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Cock Talk – Men’s Sexual Issues – David Cates – SC 16

This is another great podcast, and our first one around sexuality, especially as it pertains to men (women sexuality coming in the next episode). David and I explore my own challenges and triumphs and what’s going on in the male mind when it comes to getting stuck around “performing” in the bedroom. You’ll dig it.

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The Root Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

When I first lost my erection, I was freaked out. It happened again. I tried it all. Until I figured this one thing out…

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