Finding His Wife & Creating His Dream Relationship – Dan Doty – SC 144

In this very personal story, learn how this man used online dating to find his wife and create his dream relationship.
The 4 Freedoms That Develop Masculine Depth & Purpose – Satyen Raja – SC 140

When you are not on purpose as a man, it’s painful and your relationship will feel it. If you want to get more direction, freedom, and inspiration, this episode is for you.
How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction – SC 124

If you want to know how to overcome erectile dysfunction, you’ll need a complete reframe on this entire issue. I offer my own personal experience and how I used my shame to get hard again.
Husband Doesn’t Want To Work On Marriage – SC 99

If your partner is interested in personal development but slower to work on it, listen to this episode to find out a few tips on how to keep the work going.
Does His Size Matter? – SC 93

Does his size matter? I polled my community and there were some interesting comments for sure! No doubt I share my own opinion. Check it out.
Texting and Relationship Advice for Young Adults – SC 89

A great 3-part question from Nathan from Oregon particularly pertaining to relationships as a young adult. He’s also wanting to find mature relationships and act more mature. Check it out. SHOWNOTES Question – Part 1: How do you navigate technology in relationships? When is it connecting? When is it disconnecting? As phones and technological tools…
Men & Vulnerability with Connor Beaton of ManTalks – SC 73

Sometimes, men need a little permission or a nudge to open up and talk about what’s really going on. In this episode we talk about men, what our problem is and what we can do about it.
Why Are Men Developmentally, Psychologically, and Spiritually Lagging Behind Women? [video]
are men really that far behind women?