Shame In Your Relationship – SC 113

Feeling any shame in your relationship? If so, you are normal. But there’s power in learning how to use shame to your advantage in any partnership.
4 Stages of Intimacy – Robert & Diane Masters – SC 7
What to know how to transform your relationship and yourself through intimacy? Check this one out.

Shame is a brilliant human emotion. It’s designed to help us feel like shit so we do something about it. Our problem is we add shame on top of the shame pile. But shame in it’s purest, most raw form is exquisite in its teaching. Very precise, very simple, very direct. Grateful for shame today.…
Shame And The Power of Community

shaming the shamer doesn’t work. Not only that, but shame and humiliation bring us back home to who we are.
Shame versus Tough Love
It is a very delicate dance to differentiate between when I am using shame versus tough love. It requires keen presence and awareness.