My Self-Importance Vs. Life

Photo by Josh Levin

It’s been a wild ride recently. Ups and downs.

Major self doubt in one moment and ball busting confidence in the next.

As readers of my blog know, my summer was basically a spiritual rite of passage. The old Me dying, the new Me being born. Thank God I had and have support. The new Me is still learning how to create from a place of ease and relaxation.

After the major waves of my spiritual transformation had mostly settled by early August, I came out swinging and had big plans for myself. Things were falling into place and I felt on fire.

I even felt so bold as to write a blog post called “Jayson’s fall Schedule.” Silly me.

This is a common pattern for me. I go after what I want. I’m a “3” on the enneagram so I can pretty much force things even if the Universe is telling me to slow down, or be patient.

You see, there’s three ways to do life—1) what I want to see happen, 2) what wants to happen, and 3) co-creation.

What I want to see happen

Largely a masculine quality, this is my self-importance—thinking that I am in charge and I can do whatever I want. You know, build it and they will come. In it’s most neurotic form this is the realm of the masculine ego—conquer, predatory corporate capitalism, power over, attack, and penetrate without permission.

In it’s wisdom aspect, the masculine can “cut through” the noise, protect, take divine action, and plant the seed of life.

What wants to happen

Largely a feminine quality is what wants to happen. In its neurotic form it might sound like “I just trust the Universe man” or “Hey man, it’s not up to me anyway…” While I have often said this, blind faith can be used as another dodge of adult responsibility. Spiritually aware dudes using “faith” as a way to avoid pain, and stepping up in life. As my mentor pointed out, taken too far, this is the magical thinking of a boy.

In its wisdom aspect, opening to what wants to happen, what wants to grow life (including things dying first), and knowing deeply the timing of things, is the receptivity necessary to really receive love and life.


The way of co-creation is new, fertile soil for me. It’s a combo of what I want and what is wanted, the middle way. It is the yin yang symbol of the Tao.

Since I have an overly developed masculine and an underdeveloped feminine, the big secret for me is tapping into my inner feminine—receptivity, space, deep listening, deep presence, “feeling into,” and relaxation. Then, using my penetrating masculine quality to cut through, act, and lead.

It’s not that one necessarily comes before the other. They are both at play and it’s the balance of the two that give birth. The more I am deeply listening to both, the easier life feels to me.

How often have you complained of feeling “out of balance” in your life? Chances are you are too heavy on the masculine or the feminine.

If I am pushing too much because of what I think should happen, it starts to feel like too much work and effort (i.e. out of balance). And, if I provide too much space, I might miss the opportunity to act.

When I run men’s groups, the magical co-creation is the space I’m operating in.  When I “created” my son, I had to “co-create” with my wife, a sperm AND an egg was necessary for him to come into being. Life emerges from the co-creation of masculine and feminine!

When giving birth to new creations in our own life, we can co-create with others, or we can co-create with Life. For me balancing of my inner masculine and feminine is producing more enjoyable results.

So, back to my self-importance…

I thought that I was going to be running all of these workshops and live events this fall because that is what I wanted.  I even thought that was what was wanted.

However, it appears to me, through very straightforward information, that I am supposed to put my attention and focus on this new masculine paradigm stuff by speaking boldly at this men’s conference in Atlanta, and by pulling off the first Evolving Men’s Conference. Then, on the side, do some work around sexuality and money through the lens of the new masculine paradigm.

Bottom line for me?

It’s back to my inner feminine– tuning into and listening while staying fiercely present, ready to act, and act from a place of ease and relaxation.  Remembering not to rush anything.  And the more I work with my own sexual energy and the forces inside of me and outside of me, the more I find the current, the flow, and balance in general. (hint–this is the crux of the new masculine paradigm emerging. Stay tuned for more…)

What about you?


  • David

    Reply Reply September 8, 2010

    All the sperm in the world won't create much more than a mess on the floor until one of them joins forces with an egg…

    So yes, co-creation with a fully formed masculine and feminine is the prerequisite for most life on this planet. Glad you're rebalancing this, Jayson. Thanks for BEING the change… and letting us in on your process.

  • Bryce

    Reply Reply September 9, 2010

    Deeply appreciating this post, Jayson. Your continued courage to transparently communicate what's going on in your own evolution and rebalancing is inspiring and nourishing.

    I perceive and operate largely from “what wants to happen”, in both the neurotic and wisdom aspects. The result of feeding the neurotic aspect is compression on my heart and will, and I ultimately end up awash in rage.

    It's easy to pile a heap of shame on top of all this – shame for the fact that, as a man, I'm not primarily moving from “what I want to see happen”, that I'm not up to our culture's standards for how a man should act/be.

    But I'm seeing more clearly that to take my cues from a culture-out-of-balance can only lead to more imbalance. The path out of this maze that I find myself in is to cut a clear path straight to the heart of “what I want to see happen”. I've leaned the other way for so long that I'm all tangled up.

    It's my time to cut through, with clarity and heart, passion and will, and to not hold back in fear of messiness, or being less-than-perfect, or losing everyone I love.

    Every step you take on your path is inspiration for me to stand up and walk mine, Jayson. Thank you.

  • Radha

    Reply Reply September 9, 2010

    Uhhh. Are chics invited to respond? 🙂 Thank you for your sharing and 4 articulating the nuances of your emergence! Yes…please keep sharing. Help me to better UNDERSTAND and compassionately love men…where you have come from and where you are headed. Thank you for leading the way with your courage…and to all the men who are emerging with conscious intention. I will send as many to your site as I can. NAMASTE

  • Graeme

    Reply Reply September 11, 2010

    Thanks Jayson, good integration of the two stages into a Taoist perspective.

  • Steven

    Reply Reply September 11, 2010

    Great post Jayson. Thank you. I really appreciate how you distinguish the 3 modes of creation. I (like Bryce) am very heavy “what wants to happen” believing in part that what “I want to happen” is all about my ego. I guess that's where the co-creation balance comes in.

  • tzongyih

    Reply Reply October 8, 2010

    although I'm Chinese, but I know more about yin yang from you.
    Thanks for your sharing ya.

  • tzongyih

    Reply Reply October 8, 2010

    Thanks for your sharing,
    you know yin yang very well, good one.

  • Amelia FullOf Grace

    Reply Reply October 11, 2010

    I just found your blogg and am in love. This past summer, I too shead many layers of myself, and emerged balls OUT. I too have been called again to my feminine, to listen and follow my intuition. The ups and downs of being on top of the world, and then the depths of the ocean… yup. So much transformation happening, that I can barely catch my breath before another change appears ready to be embraced.

    In the soup with you brother, just the other flavor of human.

    I pause, and think, how much in my life I have thought the void between male/female was vast. Today the layer is paper thin, ready for the two polarities to entwine in love again. That our species will find balance, and peace together.

  • Amelia FullOf Grace

    Reply Reply October 11, 2010

    I just found your blogg and am in love. This past summer, I too shead many layers of myself, and emerged balls OUT. I too have been called again to my feminine, to listen and follow my intuition. The ups and downs of being on top of the world, and then the depths of the ocean… yup. So much transformation happening, that I can barely catch my breath before another change appears ready to be embraced.

    In the soup with you brother, just the other flavor of human.

    I pause, and think, how much in my life I have thought the void between male/female was vast. Today the layer is paper thin, ready for the two polarities to entwine in love again. That our species will find balance, and peace together.

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