I Am The One, You Are The One

We are the ones that we have been waiting for. Are you owning that or shrinking from it?

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By re-framing selfishness and putting our own needs and desires above anyone else’s, we not only feel better, we serve more people

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Feedback For Men Everywhere (video)

Watch the video and then add your feedback for men

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Fear Or Love?

Which one are you in?

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Revolutionary Man, A Year Later

Today, December 1, 2009, I am celebrating Revolutionary Man’s birth! It was officially born last year at this time when I launched the website. Tonight I will toast some champagne with my men’s group of 6 years. Feel free to join me in celebration. I wanted to thank all of you readers for your ongoing…

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International Men's Day

celebrate international men’s day!

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Idiot Compassion vs True Compassion

Are you helping others with strings attached or from a genuine place of service?

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