The Trap of Becoming Your Partner’s Therapist – Danielle LaPorte – SC 146

If you’ve become the therapist in the relationship, here are a few truth bombs from Danielle LaPorte that may just set you free.
Boundaries & Needs – SC 143

Is it okay to set a boundary with a partner who keeps wanting to go on adventures with the opposite sex? Listen in as we explore this touchy topic. It has everything to do with honoring your insecurities.
How Having Expectations Can Hurt Your Relationship – Christine Hassler – SC 138

There are two giant ways we screw up our relationships. One is by breaking agreements. The other is by never having agreements to begin with.
Asking For What You Need Without Making Threats – SC 133

How do you own your needs and express them without making threats? Listen here as we explore this essential relationship question
When You Refuse To Accept Your Husband’s Parenting Style – SC 131

When you refuse to accept your partner’s parenting style, what do you do? Here are a few suggesitons
Stop Settling for Scraps in Your Relationship – SC 111

Why settle for scraps in your relationship and be with someone who doesn’t treat you with the utmost respect, even during the hardest of times? Well, there’s often one reason…Listen in as I challenge you to ask for more.
The Healing Power of Touch – Betty Martin – SC 110

Are you using touch to just get off, or are you willing to slow down and see what the touch you give and receive is bringing? Touch is a magical force that allows the human animal in you to soften, relax, and open
Boundaries Part 2 -Relationship Tool – SC 41

Here I cover 2 types of boundaries. Boundaries separate the classic co-dependent couple from the the smart couple and believe it or not, generate a more fulfilling type of closeness.