Fear of Abandonment – SC 149

If you are afraid of being left and so you run away or close down, here are a few simple pointers
How Having Expectations Can Hurt Your Relationship – Christine Hassler – SC 138

There are two giant ways we screw up our relationships. One is by breaking agreements. The other is by never having agreements to begin with.
Asking For What You Need Without Making Threats – SC 133

How do you own your needs and express them without making threats? Listen here as we explore this essential relationship question
Why Male Entrepreneurs Fail in Relationships, & What To Do About It – Jordan Gray – SC 130

What is up with male entrepreneurs and their relationships? Success in business doesn’t always translate into success in a romantic relationship. But here are a few tips to turn this around.
Negative Beliefs That Block Your Relationship Potential – Mark Groves – SC 128

Are you aware how your past negative experiences are shaping your current relationship reality? Well, they are and until you deal with those, it will be harder to get what you claim you want.
How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction – SC 124

If you want to know how to overcome erectile dysfunction, you’ll need a complete reframe on this entire issue. I offer my own personal experience and how I used my shame to get hard again.
The Neuroscience & Power of Safe Relationships – Stephen W. Porges – SC 116

In this week’s podcast, the founder of the polyvagal theory explains the neuroscience of safe relationships and how to create them.
How To Ask Your Partner For More Sex – SC 115

Got different sex drives? No problem. Don’t abandon your desire! Here are a few tips on how to ask for more sex in your marriage