Spirituality & Relationships with Jeff Brown – SC 76

Soulshaping mentor Jeff Brown offers his take on the intersection between relationships and spirituality and why so many “spiritual” people miss the mark when it comes to this conversation. Jeff brings his wordsmithing magic to a wonderful interview that will challenge and inspire you.
How To Deal With A Partner That Talks Too Much – SC 75

Ever been with a “talker?” And do you notice how you check out, get annoyed, or act polite and hold your breath until they finish? Well, that person is holding you “captive” as their audience and it’s time you do something about it.
How to Deal With The Distancer-Pursuer Dynamic (Part 1) – SC 71

What is going on with a partner who distances and how do you deal it? In the first of our 2- part series, Ellen and I help the pursuers (connectors) understand and deal with your distancing partner. In part 2, we’ll help the distancer deal with their “needy” or connection-focused partner.
Saying Yes To Relationship Pain – SC 70

Relationship pain can be your friend or foe. The choice is up to you.
The Grass Is Greener Syndrome In Relationships – SC 69

In this episode, I share my personal drama with the grass is greener syndrome, what it’s really about, and how to get through it.
Your Relationship Q’s – Anger, Jealousy, Depression, Honesty, Premature Ejaculation & More – SC 68

Our relationships trigger the deepest of human emotions and experiences. In this episode, I answer some fun, very painful, and challenging questions from you the listener.
Enlighten Next Magazine Article on Constructing The New Man
A great conversation about the modern day men’s movement and where men are at today.