Fear of Abandonment – SC 149

If you are afraid of being left and so you run away or close down, here are a few simple pointers
The Trap of Becoming Your Partner’s Therapist – Danielle LaPorte – SC 146

If you’ve become the therapist in the relationship, here are a few truth bombs from Danielle LaPorte that may just set you free.
Heal Your Past Through Self-Acceptance & Community – Christian Pankhurst – SC 142

The levels of sensitivity we develop to family dynamics as kids has a direct impact on how we deal with our triggers in adult relationships. In this episode I interview Christian Pankhurst, who is doing the work to help us heal those wounds.
How Having Expectations Can Hurt Your Relationship – Christine Hassler – SC 138

There are two giant ways we screw up our relationships. One is by breaking agreements. The other is by never having agreements to begin with.
The Danger of Over-Burdening Your Partner With Your Problems – SC 129

We all have problems. But when one person is struggling the most (and continually), and you are their only support system, this is a set up for burning out in a relationship. Listen here for a few tips on tweaking this dynamic
Negative Beliefs That Block Your Relationship Potential – Mark Groves – SC 128

Are you aware how your past negative experiences are shaping your current relationship reality? Well, they are and until you deal with those, it will be harder to get what you claim you want.
My Partner Has Issues, What Do I Do? – SC 127

Does your partner have issues? Well, that’s really good news. What? Yup. Find out why in this episode.
How Relational Skills Can Boost Your Confidence – SC 126

Learn how simple relationship skills can boost your confidence inside the relationship. You don’t need to go work on your confidence issues, you just need to learn how to do relationship.