Heal Your Past Through Self-Acceptance & Community – Christian Pankhurst – SC 142

The levels of sensitivity we develop to family dynamics as kids has a direct impact on how we deal with our triggers in adult relationships. In this episode I interview Christian Pankhurst, who is doing the work to help us heal those wounds.

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Another Outstanding Quote on Being Human

at the end of the day, “sharing” who we are is where it’s at

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The Modern Day Spiritual Warrior

a modern day spiritual warrior is VERY different from the traditional warrior. here’s how…

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Men's Spirituality

This is a piece I recently wrote for the Good Men Project. What does spirituality have to do with being a man? Is personal growth a spiritual process?How is spirituality more suited than religion for the modern man? These are questions this post explores… Check it out: More and more men I work with are…

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