Negative Beliefs That Block Your Relationship Potential – Mark Groves – SC 128

Are you aware how your past negative experiences are shaping your current relationship reality? Well, they are and until you deal with those, it will be harder to get what you claim you want.
Getting Your Partner To Meet Your Needs – SC 101

I used to think it wasn’t my job to meet my partner’s needs. Then I learned about adult attachment and the power of meeting needs. Wow have things changed…
My Partner Doesn’t Want To Get Married But I Do – SC 97

When one of you wants marriage and the other doesn’t, you’ve got problems. Here are a few tips on how to face this challenging fork in the road.
Use The Power Of Community To Improve Your Marriage – SC 51

Do you have any friends in your life that lovingly challenge you? If not, you’re missing out on big growth that could help your primary partnership.
Why You Need To Earn Love Every Day – SC 39

I have to earn love? WTF? Isn’t it just given to me? Think again
Risking Being Ourselves In a Culture That Doesn’t Support it
Just because your childhood or the culture doesn’t support you being you, doesn’t mean you have to go along with it.
How To Start and Lead A Men’s Group
Just as the title says….helping you start and lead a men’s group