What’s The Point Of Marriage Anyway? – SC 107

What is the point of marriage anyway? This is such a great question and amazing to me how unexamined it is for so many. Listen in as I explore my take
One Simple Tip to Working Out Your Differences – SC 106

Working out differences and disagreements is essential. Here’s one tip to get started.
Partner Not Meeting Your Sexual Needs – SC 105

Are you doomed to have a stale sex life once you settle in with the same person for years and does that justify sleeping with someone else, while still being married? Listen up for my take…
How To Get Over A Cheating Spouse – SC 103

There’s no question cheating hurts like hell. Of course. It hurts like a bitch. But if you want to get empowered, you must learn hot to get over the cheating and work through the hurt. You’ll be stronger for it and your relationship might even bounce back.
The Surprising Difference Between Divorced People and Married People – Mark Manson – SC 102

Blogger Mark Manson drops some great advice on the podcast and covers the big difference between people who are divorced and people who report being happily married for a few decades. The difference may surprise you.
My Partner Doesn’t Want To Get Married But I Do – SC 97

When one of you wants marriage and the other doesn’t, you’ve got problems. Here are a few tips on how to face this challenging fork in the road.
The Hidden Power Of Conflict – Annie Lalla – SC 88

Annie Lalla brings the heat in this amazing episode full of love and wisdom. Damn can this woman spin some distinctions and reframe so many challenges with simple, detailed examples of how we can transform our relationships into the magic we long for. I know you’re going to dig this one. A must listen to probably…
If You Are Bored In Your Relationship – Ellen & Jayson – SC 83

If you are bored in your relationship, you might make it about monogamy or some other random scapegoat. Instead, consider these 5 steps and you’ll be on your way to a relationship that is far from boring.