What’s The Point Of Marriage Anyway? – SC 107

What is the point of marriage anyway? This is such a great question and amazing to me how unexamined it is for so many. Listen in as I explore my take
Husband Doesn’t Want To Work On Marriage – SC 99

If your partner is interested in personal development but slower to work on it, listen to this episode to find out a few tips on how to keep the work going.
My Partner Doesn’t Want To Get Married But I Do – SC 97

When one of you wants marriage and the other doesn’t, you’ve got problems. Here are a few tips on how to face this challenging fork in the road.
If You Are Bored In Your Relationship – Ellen & Jayson – SC 83

If you are bored in your relationship, you might make it about monogamy or some other random scapegoat. Instead, consider these 5 steps and you’ll be on your way to a relationship that is far from boring.
The Cost Of Stress In Your Primary Relationships with Dr. Gabor Maté – SC 63

Few of us understand the cost of unmitigated stress in our primary relationships and how damaging this can be to us. In this episode, legendary medical doctor and psycho-phisio-spiritual trail blazer Gabor Mate brings some very grounded, practical examples of how relationship stress can impact our lives and what to do about it.
How To Create Healthy Expectations In Your Relationship – SC 59

There are two kinds of expectations in a long-term relationship. Knowing the difference can help you sink or swim.
How Do I Know When It’s Too Hard? – SC 57

Relationships get hard. But how do you know when hard is too freakin’ hard? In this episode, my wife and I explore a very common complaint about long-term relationships, especially after the initial honeymoon phase wears off.
100% Responsibility Vs When To Leave The Relationship & Other Relationship Questions – SC 56

How to deal with value differences? How do we deal with the seeming contradiction of taking 100% responsibility and then leaving the relationship? How to keep childhood issues from breaking up your relationship? And many more questions in this episode