Another reframe on COVID 19…

Another reframe on COVID 19… We are in a very, very intimate time. Whether we like it or not, we are all in one conversation. The conversation about death and dying. A conversation that we, especially in America, don’t know how to have. Death is so very intimate. The fear of dying…
Use The Power Of Community To Improve Your Marriage – SC 51

Do you have any friends in your life that lovingly challenge you? If not, you’re missing out on big growth that could help your primary partnership.
How Circling Can Deepen Your Relationships – Decker Cunov – SC 38

What is this relational practice that has the potential to transform every relationship in your life? Learn from Decker Cunov what circling is and how you can start practicing today.
8 Signs You Are Outgrowing Your Relationships

If you are feeling bored, tired, or checked out during some friendship or partnership interactions, perhaps it’s time to move on. Check out these common signs…
The Truth About Monogamy, Divorce, And How To Build A Successful Marriage

Learn how to build a successful marriage right now before it’s too late.
Shame And The Power of Community

shaming the shamer doesn’t work. Not only that, but shame and humiliation bring us back home to who we are.
Why We MUST Be In Community
Do your friends reflect your brilliance or collude with your mask?
Gabor Mate on ADD, Addictions, Parenting & Raising Boys [video]
This is a much watch for educators, healers, and parents. Gabor speaks to society’s ills so well.