Why am I so scared to Trust?
When the boat gets rocked, how much do you trust your life? Here’s what’s true for me….
Learn How To Meditate?
This post explores the value of meditation and offers classes on teaching meditation
The Purpose & Benefit of Solitude: How to Honor Your Desire to Be Alone.
This post explores the value and benefits to spending time alone and how to start an ongoing practice to honor the desire for solitude.
A Critical Question To Ask Yourself: What Is Possible?
The other day with the help of a trusted mentor, I received an important download about myself and the vision of Revolutionary Man. I want to invite you along as I explore what is really possible for men who want to transform their lives. If I say to you “Join me in finding out more…
How To Move Beyond Limiting Beliefs
Over the years I’ve worked with many, many people. One common thread that runs through most people is that they are often very bought into the story of who they think they are. And, they are often caught up in other people’s opinions about who they are. The result? Unhappy, unfulfilled people who somehow feel…
Stressed Out? Unplug & Meditate For A Day—Alone (In A Cabin, Somewhere In The Woods)
This post explores why taking a “day off” and meditating can help you relate more effectively to the stress in your life.
Two Tips You Can Learn From A Tibetan Guy About Putting Yourself Out There
How To Put Your Vision Out There
How to Meditate 101, Video Instruction (Sitting Up and Lying Down)
From time to time, I have folks ask me, “How do you meditate?” and “Where do I start?” A lot of guys are wondering where to get started. So, I made a two short instructional videos if you are serious about learning the basics of meditation. First, it’s important to ask, Why in the hell…