Beyond Medication– Holistic Psychiatry

Learn about a comprehensive holistic approach to adding potency to the process of psychotherapy, and how this can be integrated with conventional approaches.

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Why Men Might Avoid Psychotherapy or Inner Work [video]

It’s no surprise why men struggle to ask for help

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An Open Letter To Anyone Who Has Ever Worked With Me

To all my clients thanks for being so courageous. Now go further….

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The Ayahuasca Wave

If you are into spiritual growth and want to a glimpse of your unconscious mind and body, read on…

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My Spiritual Emergency

A personal Ah Ha that I am going through a normal process and following my inspiration to talk about it openly.

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The Shadow and My Major Blind Spot

In this post, I explain what the shadow is and reveal a personal video owning up to my own shadow and how it has run me.

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Beating off to Porn is NOT a Strategy for Long Term Success? (Guest Post)

Marc Quinn raises some key points about how surfing porn will only slow you down

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How To Resolve Conflict In Your Relationships

Learn a very simple approach to navigate conflict

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