The Sacred Masculine
When men plug into the sacred masculine we live more full, engaged lives. We stand empowered to laugh, love, and serve.
Surrendering Into Greater Love
I recently let some serious love in….. completely. And, it shattered me into pieces.
Virgin Wings and my New Guru
Death, exhaustion, rebirth, and a new (or maybe old) teacher.
Illuminating Togetherness
What is possible when we make relationship a foundational practice on our spiritual path?
Deep Community
What if a real, conscious community was an attempt to recreate an ideal family? If we are not mindful, this will likely happen. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
An Open Letter To Anyone Who Has Ever Worked With Me
To all my clients thanks for being so courageous. Now go further….
Men & Women Telling the Truth Together–Busting Out of The Gender Boxes
How much are you letting the gender codes run your life? What would happen if you had the opportunity to tell the truth with men and women in a safe, uncensored way?
The New Masculine Paradigm
A couple of short videos during a weekend of doing male leadership very differently.