The Shamanic View of Mental Illness

In Malidoma Some’s culture, mental illness is seen as the birth of a healer. It is also regarded as “good news from the other world.”

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What Remains in the Eye of the Storm?

An personal update about what’s left standing in the wake of seriously long-ass storm.

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The Biggest Lie I’ve Ever Been Told & Believed

The separation from what is.

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My Spiritual Emergency

A personal Ah Ha that I am going through a normal process and following my inspiration to talk about it openly.

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Why am I so scared to Trust?

When the boat gets rocked, how much do you trust your life? Here’s what’s true for me….

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The Shadow and My Major Blind Spot

In this post, I explain what the shadow is and reveal a personal video owning up to my own shadow and how it has run me.

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My Self-Importance Vs. Life

Are you willing your way through life or waiting for something to happen? Or is there another way?

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Men and Sex

Men: A new paradigm to consider in relationship to your sex life

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